Twelve Talks by Laxman Dass and Laxman Daiyee on The Spiritual Sciences of Yoga, Healing and Peace
Swami Karunanand and Swami Krishananand, two senior disciples of the Master, have founded the Innerlight Center For Conscious Evolution.
The Master’s Memorial
Gopal Dass’s September 2012 photo of Swami Kailashananda’s memorial at Kailashananda Mission Trust, Rishikesh, India:
Satsang with the Master, March 19, 1972
This is an extremely rare recording of Yogi Gupta conducting Satsang for his disciples in New York City in 1972. It was the occasion of the opening of a new center on Seventh Ave. and in the Satsang you will hear the Master speak about the plans to develop a retreat on recently donated property in Woodbury, Connecticut. There are speeches by disciples, kirtan and a discourse by the Master on the qualities that are necessary for a disciple to make spiritual progress.
Progessive New Mexico Interviews Swami Jnananand and Maya Georg
Progressive New Mexico Internet Radio interviews Swami Jnananand and Maya Georg in Albuquerque, New Mexico on 8/19/2012.
Surya Pooja
Here from the Master’s own notes is a description of Surya Pooja.
Yogi Gupta’s Eye Exercises and Breathing Exercises
Students lucky enough to attend the Master’s Hatha Yoga classes several years ago in New York City noticed that he very closely followed the exercises in his book, Yoga and Long Life. However, he added several exercises not in the book, including some eye exercises and some breathing exercises. These descriptions are from the notes of two of his disciples who were in these classes.
Kumarikailash Yoga Academy of America
Plans for a new yoga academy to spread the teachings of Yogi Gupta.